Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Every muscle in my body hurts.

And thanks to my sunburn, I look like the mascot for Red Lobster.

Other than that, I'm just peachy! Actually, I had lots of fun this weekend. I went to a KH build in Bemidji. You can find it on a map, easier than my hometown anyway. So much fun! But for Thursday and Friday they had me on the roof putting plywood sheeting in, and later, helping feed shingles. And of course it was about 95 degrees each day, and I'd forgotten sunscreen. Hence, the Red Lobster reject look that is so *in* this year! =P Anyway, on Saturday and Sunday I did base tiling in the foyer and bathroom areas, which was quite fun! I used up two disposable cameras that weekend, and have many great stories! Which I don't feel like putting up right now...maybe later.

Knitting news: I came to a brief standstill on my scarf project due to a KNOT IN THE YARN! I need to get more of the yarn anyway, so it's really not THAT big of a deal, but it is kinda frustrating. On a similar note, though, does anyone have a good sock pattern for a humble beginner like moi? I need circular needles for socks, right?


At Thu Jun 08, 07:57:00 AM PDT, Blogger JustApril said...

Either circular needles or double pointed needles. Have you followed a pattern yet? If not, I suggest that you get an easy pattern, or find one on the internet and just get used to following a pattern. Then the instructions in a sock pattern won't bother you so much =)

I prefer the circs and the magic loop method, which is a good thing to practice before embarking on a sock. I'll find you a basic sock pattern, there's lots of them out there on the internet.

At Thu Jun 08, 09:30:00 PM PDT, Blogger Tiflissa said...

Double pointed needles? Okay, no idea what those are, so I think circs would be the way to go for me...and no, I haven't followed a pattern yet...bad me!

No idea what the magic loop method either. Sigh. I'm such a newbie!


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