Sunday, May 07, 2006

Knit, purl, knit, purl

I have not yet begun to knit.

Okay, so I changed that quote a little to suit my psychotic needs.

What I mean is that while yes, I have learned how, and yes, I'm completely addicted, I have yet to start a project. (I can hear April and my sis yelling at me - in scary unison - "Well, get with it already!") But...I will warn y'all now: I have a very bad tendency of not finishing things. In my latest endeavor (knitting, in case anyone's missed the excitement), I will do my best to be a good little Dark Side Knitter. Or is that an *evil* Dark Side Knitter. Ah well. Pick whichever one you think fits me best. And, in the distance, a chorus of voices agrees on the latter choice.

My wonderful sis taught me easier ways to cast on, how to keep my edges straight, and how to do ribbing. Believe me, she's got her work cut out for her! By no means are we finished. Sigh. Obviously, I have a lot to learn, and I bow to the gracefulness and talent of all of you super-duper Knitters out there. (That's you guys too, Sis, April, Mica, and Melee!) Actually, Jules had a lot to do with my initial interest in knitting, too. She kept making all these cute things for my darling niece (the only one I've got, so it's my auntly duty to spoil her as much as possible...even if she's only four months old.), and I was - and still am - in awe of her knitting. Call me nuts, but I think it's fascinating how a simple, continuous line of yarn can be weaved into anything: socks, scarves, sweaters, and of course, Booty Kickin' Baby Blankets!

Quite frankly - and quite stupidly, I'll admit - I believe I have a fear of failure. So, it's time for me to quit messing around! I'm bringing out the big guns! Playing with the big Knitters! soon as I figure out what the heck I'm doing...


At Mon May 08, 08:25:00 AM PDT, Blogger JustApril said...

there is no failure in knitting b/c you can always take it apart - start over - change your mind - recycle projects. Everything is learning, and we are all still learning. My first year of knitting was mostly scarves and one baby blanket, hats, hats and MORE hats. Hats are fun and they get you ready for socks, b/c you learn dpns or magic loop - some method of knitting in the round and doing decreases FUN FUN FUN!

At Mon May 08, 02:09:00 PM PDT, Blogger Tiflissa said...


Ahem. Okay. Now that I'm slightly more sane...Yes, I know I'm a little neurotic about doing things well. I'm kind of a perfectionist that way. So's Jules. So's my dad. And my mom. I really need to relax, too. I knit too tightly. But I am having fun, regardless! Yay me!


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