Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Calming down

I apologize for the extreme insanity of my previous post. I should be banned from my blog when I've gotten only four hours of sleep and had WAAAYYYYY too much sugar. If you're still even reading this blog, you deserve a medal. Or a psych evaluation. Either one.

In knitting news, the multicolored yarn I mentioned previously is becoming a scarf. Probably the brightest scarf in Minnesota, but a scarf nonetheless. I just kinda started casting on and doing a stockinette stich, and somewhere in the middle it decided that's what it wanted to be. Now, I realize it's not usually recommended to let your current project decide what it wants to be, but hey, individuality rocks! Generally, you follow a pattern, making a gauge first. But this is me. Since when do I do things the easy way? Anyway, it seems to be coming along nicely.

My brother is fascinated by my knitting. He asks questions out of the blue every once in awhile, and I answer them. (On a related note, I'm quite proud of the fact that I've refrained from laughing at his interest in knitting. I promised I wouldn't laugh at him, and I've kept that promise...although it's been hard at times.) Tonight, he asked "Now, purling is when you have all the yarn on one needle, right?"

Uh. No. I explained the difference between purl stitch and knit stitch, likely confusing him in the process. Frankly, the fact that I know enough about knitting to answer questions of any sort is nothing short of a miracle!

Now, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to sleep...zzzz...zzzz...


At Thu May 18, 05:44:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tiflissa said...

Hey, I kinda know how they feel. When I started this one, I just sat there staring at the yarn and going, "Now, how do I cast on again?"

On an entirely unrelated note, did you get my voice mail? =)

At Fri May 19, 06:10:00 PM PDT, Blogger Tiflissa said...

Yup! Tye better move his tuckus! Or he'll have to deal with me, and we all know that won't be pretty! (And you probably won't read this until Monday, but oh, well!)


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