Friday, April 14, 2006

Ooohhh, pretty.....

My lovely cousins April and Mica have thoroughly corrupted me. (Love the haircut, btw, April! So cute!) I'm not kidding. Recently, I followed my mother into a Jo-Ann Fabrics store, since she wants to make me some dresses. Okay, fine, whatever. I'm not a huge sewing fan. The last thing I tried to sew was in eigth grade Home Ec. (Are they calling it Life Sciences now or something? What's up with that?) May it rest in peace. Poor thing didn't have a chance from the beginning.

Where was I? Oh, yes. So I'm walking through Jo-Ann's when I made the deadly mistake of...rounding a corner. Suddenly, I'm standing in the middle of the aisle, hypnotized by the siren song of...wait for it...yarn. My brain is in a crazy whirl of colors and textures and random thoughts along the line of "Oh, that would make a GREAT sweater! Oh! And that would make a lovely scarf!"

Yes. Yarn. So, I repeat. My wonderful, talented, slightly zany in a good way cousins have corrupted me. I can hear them laughing. (Quite the accomplishment, since we live across the countryside from each other.) They have no shame. A few times of reading their blog - see links to the right, by the way - and I'm completely entranced by a few hundred thousand bins of yarn. Sad, isn't it?

In other news, I saw a tumbleweed yesterday.

Now, for those of you who live in the South-Southwest, this is not a big deal. In fact, it's likely quite a common occurence. For me? Not so much. This particular tumbleweed happened to be blowing across a four-lane highway in Minnesota.

Of course, you understand why I was somewhat taken aback. Or, I could just be delusional. Either one would be accurate.


At Fri Apr 14, 08:41:00 AM PDT, Blogger JustApril said...

We are the knitters, you will be assimilated, resistance is futile

At Fri Apr 14, 09:48:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tiflissa said...

Okay, so instead of the knitting blog queen, you're the Knitting Borg queen? ;) Hmm...I sense a TV show in your future!

At Fri Apr 14, 09:52:00 PM PDT, Blogger JustApril said...


I'm sure Julie would teach you how to knit if you asked her =)

At Mon Apr 17, 03:19:00 PM PDT, Blogger Tiflissa said...

*cackles madly* WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD!

Ahem. Yes, I've been planning on asking Jules if she'll teach me, but right now, we've both got quite a lot going on. But never fear, this compulsion shall not be denied!


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