Sunday, March 19, 2006

Oh, the torture

I've been tortured today. Repeatedly. You know, hospitality today at meeting was...interesting. Usually, I'm the one *giving* the torture, not getting it. But, alas, today was not one of those times. I let the torturers get away with this because they are related to me. One was my Dad.

On an entirely unrelated note, it's a terrible idea for a person with diabetes to have a huge honkin' slice of sinfully delicious chocolate cake when his blood sugar was 243 this morning.

Just thought I'd let you know.

Anyway, the other torturer is married to my cousin on my Dad's side, and he has a wicked sense of humor that I love! I love it more when it's not focused on me, but I can handle it. I've handled worse. Like last night, for instance.

I work in a hotel. I love my job, for the most part. The only part I don't like is when you're working at 11 o'clock at night and have to deal with drunk people hitting on you. Not a fun experience. I can never say what I really want to without getting into serious trouble with my boss. And believe me, I want to say a lot - not all of it entirely Christian - in these situations.

Generally, I haven't had this problem a lot. But last night was kind of a trial. On a much brighter note, I have the next three days off! Woohoo! How am I going to spend them, you might ask? Easy. Going out in service and doing my best to corrupt my dear friend Alexis.

(It's not working very well so far. She talks back to me too much for it to really be effective! :))

She's now insisting that I provide evidence of her back talk. My response? "I don't have to. I know you're thinking it, and that's enough for me!"

Yeah, yeah, I know. Not fair. Oh well! I'm sure I'll have better evidence by the time she goes home Tuesday! *OW* I've just been hit, so I think that's my cue to get off


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