Thursday, August 31, 2006

New Project - sorta....

Okay, so in knitting news, I am working on *drumroll* another scarf! *looks around at disappointed faces* Yeah, I know. I just got a book on knitting socks. One of these days I WILL get around to knitting socks, I promise! Eventually, I will also be posting pictures of my various projects.

My friend Coley (short for Nichole) and I are in the planning stages of finding an apartment. I realized as we were talking about it one day that all I would really have bed. And my car, but I'm thinking the bed is the better deal of the two. Sadly. =) Soooo, I'm going to be hunting around at various garage sales and discount places for furnishings and things. Oh, darn. Shopping. How will I cope? =)


At Sat Sep 02, 11:37:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tiflissa said...

Hee! Actually, they support me 100%, they said if I want to move out, they'll do whatever they can to help, but if I want to stay home, the same thing goes! They are, however, fully expecting us to raid the house for food, dinner, movies, etc!


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